Packaging Technologies & More

What do you know about compostable film?

To pack products there are many types of film that can be used made with plastic or paper and when we’re looking for a machine, we have to consider the type of film that we would like to use and also the recycling regulations of each country.

What does it mean compostable?

With the term biodegradable we mean a decomposition process of an organic material that can happen in particular conditions, in which it’s possible to get CO2, water,nmineral salt and oxygen.

When we find plastic with the prefix “OXO”, like “oxo-degradable” or “oxo-biodegradable” are particular types of plastic made with normal plastic and additives. This mix can “imitate” the biodegradability process and the fragments of these materials remain in our environment. 

There are also criteria that must be respected:

  • The material has to be composed of chemical elements that can be compostable and it has to be biodegradable within 6 months or it has to disintegrate within 3 months. Moreover, it has to be safe for plants, guaranteeing that any chemical substances won’t be spread out in the environment.

Let’s focus on two types of plastic.


Bioplastic is a particular material, obtained from vegetable sources or it can be biodegradable. There are also bioplastics that come from oil and are easily biodegradable.

The material is flexible, transparent and reduces the carbon footprint of a product. Furthermore, some types of bioplastic are used with grocery goods.


Another solution to pack our products is the mater-bi film, a new type of bioplastic that ensures a great transpiration of the goods and it can be re-used for our organic refuses with any production of microplastics that can damage our environment.

So, these are just two types of plastic films with their main features, but we will be back sooner with others! So stay tuned!

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